JOTA-JOTI Jamboree

Cheshire Scouts

JOTA-JOTI Jamboree

15th – 17th October 2021

JOTA-JOTI is about the 21st century skills you can learn in Scouting and the values of global citizenship. The event is open to Scouts around the world, enabling young people to connect and communicate with each other using the Internet and amateur radio. JOTA-JOTI engages youth in educational activities that build teamwork, cross-cultural understanding and skills for the future.

Get involved

Cheshire Scouts invite you to take part in this special event this October. Scouting is a global movement and we welcome as many Scouts as possible to join us in this unique international discovery weekend. We have prepared an activity pack, full of ideas and things to consider in order for you to host your very own event either at home for yourself or with a local Colony, Pack, Troop, Unit, Group or District! We recommend seeking the support of your local ADC and District Commissioner if setting up a group event. Why not let the county team know too and we can visit during the weekend!

Click here to send a #TeamCheshire visit request.

Participation in the event will count towards young people’s award and badge work, including:

  • Digital Citizen
  • Communicator
  • Global Issues
  • International (+ ICV)
  • World Challenge Award
  • Creative Challenge Award
  • Science & Technology
  • Digital Maker

Download your JOTA-JOTI activity pack now!
Event ideas, technology guidance, overnight suggestions, foods to try, international-themed games and craft activities.

PDF Download

JOTA-JOTI Cheshire Scouts Activity Pack

PDF Download

For further information about the event, check out the official JOTA-JOTI website:

To access local help and support, contact Cheshire’s JOTA/JOTI project leaders:

Carol Frain
Assistant County Commissioner
(Top Awards)
Cheshire, UK
[email protected]

Graham Shaw
Assistant County Commissioner
Cheshire, UK
[email protected]

Don’t forget!
Follow the weekend’s events from around the world on Twitter @JOTAJOTI or join the action by tweeting using the hashtag #JOTAJOTI

What is JOTA-JOTI?

Jamboree-on-the-Air-Jamboree-on-the-Internet is the world’s largest digital Scout event taking place on the Internet and over the airwaves. Held every year in October, the event connects millions of young people around the world for a full weekend of online activities that promote friendship and global citizenship. JOTA-JOTI enables young people and volunteers to participate in fun and engaging group activities over the Internet and amateur radio focused on developing 21st century skills through Scouting.

Fun for everyone

The JOTA-JOTI Jamboree is the world’s largest digital Scout event taking place online and over the air. The educational event brings together more than 2 million Scouts every year in October for a weekend of Scouting and friendship. Young people can learn about communications technology and connect with fellow Scouts from over 171 countries.

Staying safe online

Cheshire Scouts values the safety and security of all young people and volunteers. We encourage all participants to be prepared for a safe event by reading through these links carefully and following the Safe from Harm guidance:

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III